Saturday, November 27, 2010

Illegal Mexicans and Tuberculosis...and Bed Bugs...And Crime...and ......

A friend of mine is a contractor who owns a fairly successful contracting business performing work for government contracts and residential buildings. A few weeks back, after contracting some construction work out to another construction company to perform some business he was hired to perform, he began getting complaints from the client regarding the delay and quality of work. He decided to head down to the job site to check up on things himself and find out what was going on. When he arrived, he found a dozen or so illegal Mexicans working under the table for the contractor he hired. Many of them were wearing surgical masks. When he asked what was going on, he was told that several of them had tuberculosis and that the masks were being worn to "help keep down" the spread of the illness.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. What part of ILLEGAL do liberals not get? Why is it that the only person that liberals are not afraid to offend are white, tax paying, legal American citizens? If you are black, Hispanic or an Obama loving liberal, you can do no wrong. These criminals, and PLEASE, lets call them what they are, not only sneak over our borders, infested with bed bugs, bringing disease to most every community, they bring with them drugs, gangs and a myriad of other crimes that the liberal media so conveniently chooses to overlook. If this offends you, GOOD! Stop whining about the way things are and DO something about it. Write your congressman and senator each and every week. Call their office every day and demand that they implement changes to protect our border!

After September 11, 2001 there should not be ONE person in our nation that we do not know not only who they are, but why they are here, how they got here and their intentions for being in the US.
If this is allowed to continue, we will be the nation of New Mexico instead of the US and we will slowly die off one at a time from the disease, crime and harm that these criminals bring across our illegal at a time.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Let Me Get This Right.....

Add a cheap Mannlicher-Carcano and a sad excuse for an ex marine who's own crew wouldn't practice with him because he couldn't score a shot with the most professional rifles that the US government can buy and you get.........Right....Keep On Sleeping, America.....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Proof of Ghosts in Savannah Caught on Film?

The subject of the afterlife is a frequent topic of discussion these days. With the ever growing popularity of shows such as Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State and Ghost Adventurers, more people than ever are aware of paranormal phenomenon such as EVPs (Electric Voice Phenomenon), orbs and shadow figures. For some, belief in the afterlife is simply faith that is based on the hope that something does wait for us after our time here is over. Others, however, have more than faith to base their beliefs on. Some claim to have documented proof of ghosts. Andrew Worsham sent me a link the other day to an article published on World Net Daily, based on a video that was recorded at Colonial Park Cemetery in Savannah, Georgia. The video, which was recorded by an Akron, Ohio family while vacationing in Savannah in December of 2009, reportedly captures the ghostly image of a young child running through Colonial Park Cemetery dressed in period clothing from centuries back. Colonial Park, which is one of the oldest cemeteries in the United States, is the burial site of thousands of one time residents of Savannah, many of which, were children. Footage from the supposed ghost video shows a young child running after another shadowy figure. The child then stops running, jumps upward into a tree laden with Spanish moss and then falls back down again and disappears. While the video can not be fully authenticated as that of a ghost, experts who have examined the video claim they can find no evidence of a hoax. As a former resident of Savannah, I can only add that the city does indeed seem to have a life of its own and maintains a strong tie to its turbulent past. Are ghosts real and existing among us? That is an answer that we will have to wait to find out for ourselves...But for now, when visiting may be best to avoid the cemeteries at night time. Credits: World Net Daily

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank You Papaw...and to All Our Veterans

Today is Veterans Day and it were up to me EVERY day would be Veterans Day. Our military forces are not only the finest in the world, they are full of volunteers who sign up to serve our nation despite the dangers they know may lay ahead. For anyone that has served in a branch of the American armed forces, whether it be Coast Guard, Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines...Thank you. Although saying it will NEVER be enough. In particular, I want to thank my Papaw, David Smith. Papaw served in the US Army during the period of the Korean War and never once complained about the discomfort he experienced or the rough times he had. Not only was he glad to do it, he was PROUD to do it. After serving his country, Papaw went on to marry my grandmother and to raise 5 children and go on to have many grandchildren and great-grandchildren who were the light of his life. Because of people such as David Smith, the world sleeps a little easier each and every night. He is, has always been and will always be my hero. Thank you, Papaw....For everything.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Life After Death...Wishful Thinking or Scientific Fact?

Nearly everyone thinks about death from time to time. For most of us it is a fleeting thought that passes in and out of our minds whenever we hear about the death of a celebrity or a friend or loved one. For some, however, death is not only a topic they wonder about occasionally. Instead, it is a very real experience that they claim to have already had and survived to speak about. A book published by Dr. Jeffrey Long called Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences documents the cases of thousands of near death experiences (NDEs) and the scientific proof that an afterlife does indeed exist. According to Dr. Long, more than just the stories of those who claim to have experienced NDEs went into his determination that an afterlife is more than just wishful thinking. According to the book, only after careful scientific examination of what he considered to be indisputable proof of an afterlife, did he determine that life after death does exist. Examples of what Dr. Long considers to be proof of an afterlife include the stories of children under the age of 5, who have not been preconditioned to believe in stories of life after death, reporting remarkably similar events including stories of passing through a long tunnel and being greeted at the end by a bright light and those who are there to guide them. In addition, Dr. Long points to stories of those who have been blind since birth reporting the ability to see and giving vivid descriptions of what they saw in extensive detail. Regardless of your religious beliefs, one would have to assume that we are more than just a body. That who we are would have to go SOMEWHERE once the body gives out. But where? Unfortunately, that is an answer that all of us will have to wait to discover for ourselves...One at a time.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Obama's Stuttering Over Answer Regarding Jihad Speaks Volumes...

It started as a simple question. A young female student from St. Xavier College in Mumbai stood up in the crowd and asked President Obama a simple 6 word question..."What are your thoughts on Jihad?" This is the question that seemingly sent the great teleprompter master into a public relations nightmare. There was no pre planned answer scrolled before him electronically, painstakingly designed to allow him to slide by. For the first time in a long time he was put on the spot without the aid of his cronies offering him just the right words to say. So what did he say? After a lot of "Ummmms and Uuhhhs" not much. The best that he could come up with was to praise Jihad...Taking the opportunity to let the world know how many meanings Jihad has to those who are of the Muslim faith. He spoke of the millions of people who are of the Muslim faith praising the religion while painfully trying to hide his glee. But it is what he DIDN'T say that speaks volumes. Not once did President Obama mention the fact that Jihad, in its literal translation means "Holy War". Not once did he mention the thousands of Americans that were killed on September 11, 2001 by a band of Muslims as a result of Jihad...Not once. As is not so much what Obama says, its what he purposely DOESN'T say that sheds light on his true identity and intentions. As always...his unspoken words are the scariest of all.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Curse of Political Correctness

Sometimes I stop and wonder how we got where we are as a nation. A police officer has to stop and think about pulling a car over that is weaving all over the road with no tags if he happens to notice that the driver inside is black or Hispanic out of fear that he will lose his job simply for DOING his job because all the driver has to say is "Its because I'm black" or "Its because I'm Mexican". The double standard is what confuses the hell out of me...How many white guys do you ever hear of that are pulled over by black cops or cops with the last name of Jurez or Lopez and claim that they were pulled over because they are white? He'd be laughed out of court. The double standard. The same double standard that allows us to have a United Negro College Fund but not a United Caucasian College Fund (Of course not! That would be RACIST!) The same double standard that makes it okay to have a Miss Black America pageant but labels a Miss White America pageant racist. The same double standard that permits a Black History Month but would never allow a White History Month. The same standard that makes it politically incorrect to take a second look at a group of middle eastern Muslims who are attempting to board an American bound flight. You know what? Maybe the problem with this country IS political correctness. Maybe when we drop the labels of African American, Mexican American and just concentrate on being Americans with some level of common sense, things will change... As for me, someone once referred to me as Ann Coulter's less politically correct little sister...Perhaps the greatest compliment I ever received.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Rash of Increased UFO Sightings Tied to Al Queda?

A retired former NORAD officer has disclosed in a newly released book that he has inside information leading him to believe that the recent rash of UFO sightings is no coincidence. The 352 page book, Challenges of Change, by retired Air Force officer, Stanley A. Fulham states that the United States government has been in contact with residents of other planets for decades and that our celestial neighbors are not pleased. According to the book, the aliens, which Fulham refers to as Transcendors, are planning an intervention of sorts in order to prevent us from annihilating ourselves through nuclear weapons and global earth changes. The retired Air Force officer states the Transcendors are planning on making their presence known through gradually increased sightings over major cities throughout the world, leading up to an event that results in their taking control of the Earth no later than the year 2015. Of particular interest are the claims that the Transcendors are aware of a dirty bomb in the possession of Al Queda. According to Fulham, Al Queda possesses a bomb in addition to other weapons of mass destruction that has the ability to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans, but they are torn as to whether or not to use it because of their religious beliefs against destroying the earth. Are the recent UFO sightings over Manhattan, China and a wealth of other major cities a result of big brother keeping a close watch on us from the skies? Only time will tell. But...its best to sleep with the lights on for now.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh....NOW He Wants To Compromise???

I don't know how many of you watched the BIZARRE press conference held by the anointed one yesterday, but all I could do is laugh....For probably the first time in his smug life, old Barry got his ASS kicked and he simply didn't know how to respond. As a result, after being put in his place by the American people, he's decided that he is now open to the possibility of COMPROMISE with conservatives. Hey, Barry....Do we REALLY have to tell you what you can do with your offer to compromise? Don't hold your breath....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Taking America BACK!

In the biggest political upset since 1938, Republicans overwhelmingly won the hearts of American voters as displayed through last nights voting results. While thrilled at the voter turn out and results, it saddens me that America was allowed to be brought to the brink of financial collapse through the workings of people such as Nancy Pelosi and Barack Hussein Obama. If anything can come good of the trouble we have seen over the last two years it will be that we will know to NEVER let what has happened to this great nation of ours happen again...Just because someone says they have our best interests in mind doesn't make it so....Now its on to the business at hand of taking our nation back and moving towards the White House in 2010. THANK YOU AMERICA!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ya Ready??? Let's ROLL....

As I head out to vote today, I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of our veterans who have given their lives and freedom to protect our rights as Americans. So many have fought and died in order to ensure that we have the right to have our say and to continue to live in a nation of freedom. No matter what your political affiliation, if you choose not to enforce your right to vote, you have no right to complain about the way things are...If you are happy with the way things are...fine. If not, CHANGE it! Get out there and vote.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sad State of the Economy Evidenced by Poor Halloween Showing

Ok...You know things are getting pretty bad when even candy stores didn't hand out candy on Halloween. Each year thousands of local kids trick or treat up and down the parkway in Gatlinburg basking in delight of the treats given by local businesses. Baskin and Robbins has traditionally given out free scoops of chocolate, vanilla or strawberry flavored goodies and candy stores such as Aunt Mahalia's hands out treats of every flavor. Until this year. Gone were the free scoops of ice cream from America's favorite ice cream shops. Instead kids were turned away empty handed. Candy stores such as Aunt Mahalia's stopped kids at the door with signs that read WE ARE OUT OF CANDY, however, parents are more than welcome to come inside and buy as much as you want. Come on people....I know times are hard, but this sort of Grinch like behavior will do nothing to help your bottom line. Particularly with locals here in town who keep you in business when tourism is slow. You may want to keep that in mind for next year...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Conviction in the Anna Nicole Smith Case

As many of you may have heard Howard K. Stern was convicted on charges of fraud and falsely obtaining prescription drugs, leading to the overdose death of Anna Nicole Smith. This conviction is a bit bittersweet for many of us in the legal community. While she was clearly enabled and given drugs by compliant doctors, psychiatrists and friends, Ms. Smith was also CLEARLY an addict and, by all accounts, despite having a new baby at home, suicidal. As most of you know, Ms. Smith's son Daniel died pf what was ruled an accidental drug overdose in her hospital room while visiting his mother just days after she gave birth to her daughter. Despite the fact that she too was an addict, Ms. Smith could not get over the tragedy of her son's death and, many feel, died along with him that day, attempting suicide several times before her actual death less than 6 months later. While I feel that Howard K. Stern is clearly at fault for assisting an addict to illegally obtain drugs, the entire situation is tragic, leaving a beautiful baby girl without the mother that clearly wanted her so badly and the benefit of the big brother that was photographed beaming with pride while holding his only sibling hours before his death. If anything can come from this tragedy, it is the hope that people understand the dangers of drugs, whether they be street drugs or prescription. From marijuana to cocaine and from Xanax to Dilaudid, drugs are dangerous and lead to nowhere other than prison or, in many cases like that of Ms. Smith and her an early grave.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Get Out There And Make A Difference!

In times like these it is more important than ever before to make your voice heard. This November the 2nd I urge you to utilize your right to vote. Your vote matters just as much as anyone out there and to be honest..If you don't vote you have no voice. Voting gives you the ability to make a real change. If you are happy with the way things are...stay home and do nothing. If you want to get out and take this country back, stand up and give yourself a voice! No matter what party you are affiliated with our what your political views are, it won't really matter if you don't get out there and support your cause of choice.