Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Life After Death...Wishful Thinking or Scientific Fact?

Nearly everyone thinks about death from time to time. For most of us it is a fleeting thought that passes in and out of our minds whenever we hear about the death of a celebrity or a friend or loved one. For some, however, death is not only a topic they wonder about occasionally. Instead, it is a very real experience that they claim to have already had and survived to speak about. A book published by Dr. Jeffrey Long called Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences documents the cases of thousands of near death experiences (NDEs) and the scientific proof that an afterlife does indeed exist. According to Dr. Long, more than just the stories of those who claim to have experienced NDEs went into his determination that an afterlife is more than just wishful thinking. According to the book, only after careful scientific examination of what he considered to be indisputable proof of an afterlife, did he determine that life after death does exist. Examples of what Dr. Long considers to be proof of an afterlife include the stories of children under the age of 5, who have not been preconditioned to believe in stories of life after death, reporting remarkably similar events including stories of passing through a long tunnel and being greeted at the end by a bright light and those who are there to guide them. In addition, Dr. Long points to stories of those who have been blind since birth reporting the ability to see and giving vivid descriptions of what they saw in extensive detail. Regardless of your religious beliefs, one would have to assume that we are more than just a body. That who we are would have to go SOMEWHERE once the body gives out. But where? Unfortunately, that is an answer that all of us will have to wait to discover for ourselves...One at a time.

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