Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Obama's Stuttering Over Answer Regarding Jihad Speaks Volumes...

It started as a simple question. A young female student from St. Xavier College in Mumbai stood up in the crowd and asked President Obama a simple 6 word question..."What are your thoughts on Jihad?" This is the question that seemingly sent the great teleprompter master into a public relations nightmare. There was no pre planned answer scrolled before him electronically, painstakingly designed to allow him to slide by. For the first time in a long time he was put on the spot without the aid of his cronies offering him just the right words to say. So what did he say? After a lot of "Ummmms and Uuhhhs" not much. The best that he could come up with was to praise Jihad...Taking the opportunity to let the world know how many meanings Jihad has to those who are of the Muslim faith. He spoke of the millions of people who are of the Muslim faith praising the religion while painfully trying to hide his glee. But it is what he DIDN'T say that speaks volumes. Not once did President Obama mention the fact that Jihad, in its literal translation means "Holy War". Not once did he mention the thousands of Americans that were killed on September 11, 2001 by a band of Muslims as a result of Jihad...Not once. As always...it is not so much what Obama says, its what he purposely DOESN'T say that sheds light on his true identity and intentions. As always...his unspoken words are the scariest of all.

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